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Title: Chinese Theatre - Mirror Mirror [EP]
Rated: StarStarStarStarStarStar
Notis: Translated from German

There are rumors that there is a Swedish band, who should be examined further and their songs should be listened to more carefully. Chinese Theatre should be taken seriously, and they will get more fans here in Germany.

The newest EP, which can be downloaded for free at their site, is pure synthpop, and can of course be compared to Elegant Machinery, Welle:Erdball or S.P.O.C.K, but the distinctive voice of the female singer gives the band an unique stamp, which gives the songs a 'plastic barbie synthpop' label. But this is a style of music that doesn't exist. But if our 90 60 90 doll should become alive would she - when she wanted to - make such music.

The new EP tracks 'Mirror Mirror' and 'Leaving You Behind' has two tracks, which with their steril sounds and catchy refrains couldn't be better. 'Leaving You Behind' is my personal favourite. Besides a hidden track and the vocoder song 'Oh My God' there are several different versions of aforementioned tracks. Maybe there are a bit too many of them, less would have been more in this case.

File Not Found is the most known band that has contributed a remix, but they haven't provided the best remix. That is DJ Slobbe for this version of 'Mirror Mirror', and also Martin Sax of 'Prototyp' and Iranon for their brilliant versions of 'Leaving You Behind'.

Review by: Nuuc

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